Training & Education

We are committed to providing training and education in the communities we serve and beyond. There are standard training topics we can provide (see the list below), or we can work with you to customize our training to meet your specific needs. For more information or to schedule your training, please contact Tara Gordon at

Prevention for Parents

Our mission is to create a future for Tennessee’s children and families that’s filled with promise and prosperity.  To do this work, it’s incumbent upon us to teach the skills necessary to prevent child abuse and neglect and to raise the standard of care for children.  We have seen time and time again the power of knowledge and confidence when it comes to parenting well, e.g., when parents know better, they can and will do better.  This 1-hour training offers parents, caregivers, and communities much-needed insight into what it takes to raise safe, healthy, and happy children and teens.

Stewards of Children®

This nationally recognized training is ideal for individuals, parents, schools, non-profits, athletic organizations, and faith communities that care for and about children and teens. By participating in this 2-hour live training, you will gain a deeper understanding of how child sexual abuse can be prevented, stopped, and overcome. Real people and real stories will be used to effectively demonstrate how children and teens can and should be protected, and the training has been scientifically proven to increase knowledge, improve attitudes, and change child-and-teen protective behaviors across diverse audiences.

Building Strong Brains / Resilient TN Collaborative

Ninety percent of a child’s structural brain is developed before they enter kindergarten. Adverse Childhood Experiences, or ACEs, affect children’s optimal brain development and consequently their lifelong mental and physical health outcomes. To help our next generation lead healthy, productive lives, it’s imperative that everyone learn how to prevent and mitigate ACEs as well as build resilience in children who, to no fault of their own, have experienced toxic stress and trauma in childhood. This training is evidence-based (CDC-Kaiser Permanente) and can last anywhere between 30 minutes and 3 hours, depending on the time frame and depth of conversation you desire.

Show Resilience: Film Screening

Our organization is authorized to provide community screenings of the film Resilience: The Biology of Stress & The Science of Hope. This film features trailblazers in pediatrics, education, and social welfare who employ cutting-edge research and therapies to protect children from the harmful effects of toxic stress. And, like any good story, the film celebrates the resilient human spirit that will always fight back to pave the way for a better tomorrow.

To learn more, watch this trailer and schedule your screening today.

Impact of Domestic Violence on Children

Living in a home where domestic violence (DV) is present is an Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE). Research shows that children who experience DV may suffer from negative symptoms related to their trauma, e.g., academic difficulties, depression, etc. This training will provide you with insights into the prevalence, impact, and outcomes of DV as well as practical steps you can take to help families who may be experiencing DV. This training typically lasts one hour.

We look forward to hearing from you!