For Those Who Mother

This Mother’s Day, we honor all the women in our lives who mother. From those who birth babies to those who answer the call in other ways: whether it’s step-moms, foster moms, or one of the best aunties a child could ever ask for. Where would we be without all of these amazing women?

At Nurture the Next, we are especially grateful for the mothers we serve every day. Mothers who are breaking cycles of violence and poverty. Mothers who are doing all they can to give their children something they didn’t have—a strong foundation and a great childhood.

We understand that Mother’s Day isn’t always a celebration for some. Whether your mother is no longer with us or didn’t provide you with the nurturing environment you needed—or maybe you are facing fertility challenges yourself—it can be a difficult time to be positive. Yet, all of us can think of at least one woman who went above and beyond for us and served as a mother figure.

We recently invited our team to share about someone who has mothered them. Of course, not all of our team had a positive relationship with their mother. Still, everyone—like I’m sure you—can point to one woman who imparted some wisdom and positively impacted the trajectory of their lives.

One team member shared how her mother was a guiding light for her. “My mother was definitely the role model for how to be a strong, independent woman. I learned many lessons from her—some intentionally taught, some learned through observation, and some I would decide to do differently…Regardless I learned that I must be intentional in my parenting.” 

Another shared how her grandmother was the matriarch of her life. “As 1 of 6 children, I was blessed to have my grandmother be a voice of encouragement in my life, she helped me set goals, identify my worth, and realize I don’t have to let my experiences be the same experiences for my children.”

Others shared how they learned early on that it was a community that raised children, and it was incumbent on everyone to support each other. One talked about how her “mother not only mothered me, but every child that stepped foot into her home.” Another shared about growing “up in a home where [her] mother mothered others well,” and how she “love[s] that we get to help our community mother well.”

As you can see, serving families—and especially moms—is a passion for our team. Whether they had a positive relationship with their parents or are working to help others avoid the mistakes they experienced in childhood, our team is committed to building that better future. They believe in our mission and work tirelessly to make it a reality.

This Mother’s Day, we ask you to consider supporting the Moms we serve here at Nurture the Next. Many of them are single parents, working hard to make a difference and give their children a life they couldn’t dream of. We know that parenting isn’t easy, so you can give to honor a mother in your life. After all, isn’t taking care of others what Mom told us to do?

If you are a parent yourself in need of some extra help, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. You can visit our website to learn more about the wide range of services we offer—from in-home support, to parenting classes, to our text-based mentorship program, and more. No matter where you are, we want to help you reach your goals on your parenting journey.

Thank you to all of those who mother and allow us to raise the next generation, together.


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