Share the Pain: The Courage & Grit of Survivors

It’s a brave move to make a call to the domestic violence helpline. The willingness to be vulnerable and trust a stranger is a testament to the strength and willpower of survivors of domestic violence. Nurture the Next operates the only statewide domestic violence helpline, providing 24/7 support for individuals and families in crisis. The Helpline Specialists who answer calls witness this courage and grit every day when they speak to survivors who are ready to change their situation.

A recent call came through Nurture the Next’s helpline from a woman who was desperate to get out of a relationship that involved domestic violence and sexual assault. Through tears, she shared her experience with our Helpline Specialist, Christy. The caller was struggling to get connected to local resources that could assist her, but the shelter she was trying to reach was closed and she didn’t know where to turn. Nurture the Next partners with seventeen shelters across Tennessee to ensure that even when shelter offices are closed, no call will go unanswered. Christy provided a safe space for the caller to express her fears and her needs and was also able to get her connected to the resources she needed.

This year, we answered 12,313 calls on the statewide domestic violence helpline. Every situation is complex, and no two scenarios are ever exactly the same. Callers are often in crisis and immediate need. Our Helpline Specialists are trained to assist callers in a variety of situations and are able to be creative with solutions, and most importantly, they provide a sense of security for survivors who may be in fear for their own safety or the safety of their children. But despite Tennessee’s staggering number of 66,865 domestic violence victims in 2021, our helpline is only able to help a fraction of the people who are directly impacted by domestic violence, a number that does not include the children who are living in the homes where domestic violence is present.

At Nurture the Next, we want to ensure every child grows up feeling safe and loved, which unfortunately isn’t the reality for many. Domestic violence is identified as one of the several potential Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs). These experiences harm the developing brain and change how children respond to stress, damaging the immune system in ways that may not show up until much later in life. For children to grow up to live healthy, productive lives, it is critical for ACEs to be prevented before they cause long-term effects. But not every adversity can be avoided, which is why access to resources such as the statewide domestic violence helpline is so important.

In honor of Domestic Violence Awareness Month, Nurture the Next is hosting “Share the Pain” fundraising events in Nashville (October 22) and Chattanooga (October 29) to raise awareness of the prevalence of domestic violence in Tennessee and educate the community on the importance of survivors having access to resources like the statewide domestic violence helpline. Participants will engage in a unique body strength workout, with food and drinks available afterwards. When you register for these events, you are showing your support for the survivors of domestic violence as well as providing critical funds that will allow Nurture the Next to ensure that every person who is experiencing domestic violence has a safe space they can turn to in their time of crisis and prevent children from ever having to witness domestic violence in their home.

Will you “Share the Pain” with us, and help women and children across Tennessee get the help they need to leave dangerous situations? Learn more about our domestic violence awareness events in Nashville and Chattanooga and register today!


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