Father’s Day

We have all been through a lot in the first half of 2022. We continue to live through an unjust, unprovoked war against the Ukrainian people by a Russian dictator. We have suffered from inflation that has persistently pushed the price of everyday essentials higher and higher. We have tragically suffered more unspeakable acts of violence against innocent people at the supermarket, at places of worship, and against our children at school.

There is no question that the world can be really overwhelming sometimes. There have been many times this year that I have felt helpless in the face of so many tragedies. However, last month I finally discovered a way that I can truly make a difference in building a better future: I became a dad.

Becoming a dad is such an incredible experience. Nothing changes about you as an individual. You still have the same tastes in food, root for the same teams, enjoy the same hobbies, and still feel like a kid trying to figure life out yourself.

Yet, while you might be the same person, your priorities change in an instant and—at least for me—you feel like you finally have a purpose in life.

When I look into my son’s eyes I realize that while I do not have the power to personally solve any of the global problems we are all facing, the one thing I do have control over is his one incredible, precious life. I have the ability to make my son feel safe, valued, and protected every single day of his life. When I feel inundated by the headlines I read, I focus on what I do have the power to do—show my son unconditional love and be the best dad I can be. I feel good knowing that one child feeling loved can make my community a little better, and hopefully make everyone’s life a little better too.

I am going to be honest and tell you that being a parent is not easy, and I am less than a month in at this point. These first few weeks have hit a whole range of emotions. It has been exciting and draining, thrilling and exhausting, joyful and scary. It has also been filled with many new experiences. I have already changed so many diapers that I don’t remember life without them! There is also a really steep learning curve. My google searches have gone from the scores of last night’s baseball game to how long do baby hiccups last?

Most of all, it has deepened my appreciation for the important and critical work at the heart of our mission at Nurture the Next. We may not be able to stop wars or reduce inflation but we can make sure the children in our lives have nurturing home environments to help them grow into resilient adults. Whether that’s caring for our own children, helping out a neighbor, or mentoring a child, we all have the power to create the world we want to see by taking care of the most vulnerable in our community. If we each do our part, we can give our children the future they deserve.


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Families need year-round support to prevent adverse childhood experiences