Working to Break the Cycle of Violence

It's October once again, and during this month, we celebrate fall with its spectacular array of colors, crisp mornings, and the joy of upcoming holidays. It's also Domestic Violence Awareness Month. It's a time to shine a light on the troubling issue of violence that often hides behind closed doors in homes in our state, our country, and across the globe. This isn't only about physical abuse; it's about the emotional scars that linger long after the bruises have faded. At Nurture the Next, our mission is simple: we step in early and provide support and strategies to children and families, helping them build a resilient foundation for a brighter tomorrow.

The impact of violence goes way beyond what we can see on the surface. It seeps into the mental well-being of children, affects their future earning potential, and can even steer the course of their lives. That's why we need a compassionate and effective approach to tackle this issue head-on. October reminds us to acknowledge the problem, respond, and break the chains that silently bind many families in a cycle of violence.

While we no longer run the statewide domestic violence helpline, our commitment to addressing domestic violence is unwavering. We provide steadfast support, valuable advice, and proven strategies that can truly make a difference in the lives of these families.

Domestic violence shelters are a lifeline for families burdened by trauma. But it's not enough to acknowledge their existence; they need our active support, adequate funding, and policies that understand and address their unique challenges. Shelters offer a haven and the essential support, counseling, and resources that help families find stability and security.

It's crucial to put family safety and security first throughout this process. Our policies must reflect the complexity of this issue and offer practical solutions for those in crisis. These policies should also strengthen the organizations and shelters working tirelessly to serve these families, providing the financial support and framework they need to fulfill their missions effectively.

With well-informed policies and a dedicated community, we can create an environment where families get both immediate help and long-term support. As we observe Domestic Violence Awareness Month, Nurture the Next's commitment to prevention, support, and healing for all affected by violence remains steadfast. Together, we can unravel the web of violence, offering hope and building resilience for families trapped within its grip.

Through unwavering commitment and decisive action, we can cultivate a society where every family thrives in an environment of safety and love. We aim to create a future where every family flourishes, free from the shadows of violence and fear. So, let's work together to build that future where every family can thrive in an atmosphere of safety and love.

We invite you to join us in this noble cause. Together, we can light the way to a future free from violence.


Volunteer Your Time
Shelters and support services often need volunteers to assist in various capacities. By donating your time, you can directly support those affected by domestic violence. Whether it's by mentoring children, providing administrative support, or helping with outreach programs, your time is invaluable.

 Spread Awareness
Awareness is a powerful tool in combating domestic violence. Use social media platforms to share information, resources, and support for domestic violence survivors. Engage your community, friends, and family in conversations about the significance of Domestic Violence Awareness Month and how they can contribute to the cause.

 Advocate for Stronger Policies:
Engage with local policymakers and representatives to advocate for robust policies that protect victims of domestic violence and provide adequate support to shelters. Raise awareness about the importance of prevention and support services, encouraging the implementation of policies addressing the unique challenges domestic violence survivors and their families face.

With your help, we can break the cycle of violence and provide a safe, supportive environment for all families.


Gratitude in Action: Adopt a Family Program this Holiday Season


Charting a Path of Purpose: Our New Strategic Plan