Beyond Cards and Gifts: Embracing the True Essence of Mother's Day

In the spirit of Mother’s Day, Maya Angelou once said, “To describe my mother would be to write about a hurricane in its perfect power.” The essence of this quote is a testament to the strength and resilience of motherhood, a force that can weather any storm.

Motherhood is a beautiful and powerful experience that shapes the world in countless ways, and this holiday honors the strength, love, and resilience of those who mother. From birth mothers to step-mothers, foster moms, grandmothers, and the incredible aunties who step up and provide a nurturing presence in a child's life, we owe a great debt of gratitude to these amazing women. Where would we be without them?

We must also acknowledge that Mother’s Day is not a joyous occasion for everyone. For those who have lost their mothers, didn’t receive the nurturing they needed, or are struggling with fertility challenges, this day can be difficult. We hold those close in our hearts during this time.

Mother’s Day also presents an opportunity to raise awareness about an important issue that affects many mothers—postpartum depression—and to emphasize the significance of mental health in motherhood.

Amid the festivities and expressions of gratitude, let us not forget that motherhood can be a challenging journey, both physically and emotionally. While we celebrate the joys and triumphs, it is equally essential to acknowledge the struggles that some mothers face, particularly those grappling with postpartum depression. By shining a light on this topic during Mother’s Day, we can help break the stigma surrounding mental health and foster an environment of understanding and support.

As we shower mothers with love and appreciation, let us also extend our care and concern for their mental well-being.

As a mom, caring for your mental health is just as important as your physical health. The demands of motherhood can be overwhelming, and it’s easy to put your own needs on the back burner. However, neglecting your mental health can seriously affect you and your family. Therefore, it’s important to prioritize self-care and seek help if needed. This can include therapy, exercise, meditation, spending time with friends, or simply taking a break when needed. Remember, a healthy mom equals a healthy family, so don’t be afraid to prioritize your mental health.

In the spirit of Mother’s Day, let us unite as a community to create a nurturing and supportive environment for all mothers. Simple steps include providing a listening ear and promoting open conversations about maternal mental health. By doing our part, we can ensure that every mother feels seen, heard, and supported in their journey.

Let's celebrate the love, strength, and resilience of those who mother and advocate for their mental health and well-being so that they may continue to weather the storms of motherhood with grace and power.


A Meditation on Father’s Day


Maternal Health is Communal Health.